A Journey into the Inter-Community Dynamics of Jewish Liberation

In our latest episode of “Flames of Freedom Revealed,” we explore the historical roots of the Jewish quests for liberty, diving into the intricate dynamics between Sephardic and Ashkenazi Jewish traditions. Our guest, Dr. Eliezer Papo, a leading figure in Sephardic studies, brings this dynamic to life. Join us as we delve into this rich tapestry of history, culture, and the spirit of survival.
A Historical Tapestry: The Convergence of Traditions
Our podcast vividly portrays Jewish families fleeing oppression—from the harsh inequities of the Portuguese Inquisition to the violent pogroms of Eastern Europe. Together with Dr. Papo, we explore why these individuals dared make the perilous decision to leave their homelands for places like London and Amsterdam and voyage across the Atlantic to the burgeoning colony of Georgia. At the heart of this story stands the intricate interplay between Sephardic and Ashkenazi traditions.
This episode reintroduces us to Samuel and Rebecca Nunes, characters who embody the story of New Christians, known as Conversos, who had been hiding their Jewish identity and religious practices for generations. Dr. Papo’s scholarly insights reveal how Ashkenazi families, fleeing the Prussian king’s mandates that placed untenable strictures on Jews, found sanctuary in England among Sephardic synagogues, highlighting a nuanced yet vibrant inter-community relationship.
Converso Women: Challenging the Status Quo
In unraveling these relationships, we also touch upon the lives of converso women who arrived in England, often confronting a Judaism that was foreign yet profoundly entwined with their ancestral identity. Dr. Papo sheds light on how these women navigated and resisted the societal norms of their time, forging their place within their communities’ cultural and religious practices when, traditionally, women were absent primarily from religious practices outside of the home.
As these women rejoined the fold, they brought a fresh perspective from their experiences in Catholicism—which, in turn, challenged and enriched the religious practices of their synagogues.
Oral Torah: A Cultural Conundrum
Central to our episode is the dichotomy between written and oral Torah—a complex theme that reveals itself through the journey of Conversos re-embracing Judaism. Dr. Papo meticulously dissects how the oral tradition was both a point of contention and a bridge to rediscovering Jewish identity, resonating deeply with audiences unfamiliar with this aspect of Jewish law. Many of the Conversos who reverted to Judaism found the concept of oral Torah confounding and disconnected from their understanding of Biblical narratives. In many cases, they pushed back against the norms of their community, often challenging centuries-old Jewish practices.
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